Book profiles


Ilaria Capua

Circular Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated our fragility as a species. Humanity was attacked by a previously unknown virus that spread very rapidly, thanks to a speed of population mobility never before seen in human history. It succeeded in creating the complete upset of the global socio-economic system. Such an event gives us an important stimulus to re-evaluate health in the context of a circular system that encompasses humans and the environment in which we live. The key challenge we face is the discovery of novel paths to crisis resolution. Can we abandon the often cherished, but now rather obsolete, ...
circular health


Annalisa Buffardi, Lello Savonardo

Digital Cultures, Innovation and Startup

The Contamination Lab Model

The book focuses on the relationships between technological and social innovations, and the new opportunities and challenges that the education system is facing. The dissertation explores the intertwines between the educational scenarios and the contemporary social, economic, and cultural contexts. In particular, we discuss the Contamination Lab (CLab) experience, which started in Italian universities with the purpose of promoting the entrepreneurial and innovation culture. Pages: 170 Trade Paper: ISBN 9788831322188; $ 34,95 Authors: Annalisa Buffardi is a researcher at INDIRE(National Institute ...
Digital Cultures


Luciano Segreto, Alessandro Minichilli, Fabio Quarato

Principles and Practices of Corporate Governance in the Global Economy

The book places ownership at the centre of all relevant choices that the company makes. In particular, it addresses the issue of governance from the perspective of ownership, and in a broader and more articulated sense than most Anglo-Saxon studies. The authors analyse the relationship between ownership, governance, and corporate strategy with a dual objective. On the one hand, the aim is to identify the consistency relationships between the governance structure of the company and its results, because of the centrality that it assumes with respect to many of the strategic choices that companies ...
corporate governance minichilli


Guido Corbetta, Paolo Morosetti

Corporate Strategy for a Sustainable Growth

Alignment, Execution, and Transformation

This volume develops a model for evaluating strategic decisions and integrating the economic, financial, social, and environmental dimensions. It deeply studies the theme of growth strategies and investigates the relationships between corporate strategy, ownership, and corporate governance. The authors address the issue of "corporate strategy decisions" by proposing: select among the theoretical reflections those most attentive to the needs of entrepreneurs and managers; spread greater awareness of the importance of such decisions in the context of profitable and sustainable growth paths of companies; ...
Corporate Governance for sustainable growth


Giovanni Pitruzzella, Oreste Pollicino

Disinformation and Hate Speech

A European Constitutional Perspective

What balance should be struck between freedom of expression, as an essential right and value of any democratic society, and other constitutional rights when facing falsehood and extreme speech? How are Europe and legislators around the world reacting to the rise of online disinformation and hate speech, in the wake of mounting evidence of adverse effects on democratic processes? What is the most effective approach to address and tackle harmful practices over the Internet, if any? These are some of the pivotal questions that this book seeks to explore. The potentially global scale and the unprecedented ...
Hate Speech


Alessandro Zattoni

Corporate Governance

How to Design Good Companies

The book focuses on corporate governance with an original perspective:(i)It is based on academic research: solid theory and rigorous empirical findings provided by previous studies; (ii)It has a strategic-management perspective, and it aims at helping students to learn both mindsets and frameworks, and competencies and useful knowledge to design and assess corporate governance practices; (iii)It presents best practices across major national governance systems at international level; (iv)It has been developed for didactic purposes;(v)It acknowledges the recent debate on shareholder and stakeholder ...
Corporate Governance


Claudio Scardovi

Finance, Real Estate and Wealth-Being

Towards the Creation of Sustainable and Shared Wealth

The vision of the author is to cover and discuss, at both strategic and operational level, the implications of banking and real estate relationships. It represents an opportunity to relaunch both businesses and contribute to the development of the competitive positioning of large metropolises and other local areas, territories, and communities to support the competitive repositioning of entire countries. This would require potentially extended alliances, new financial instruments, and - even more importantly - the adoption of technological advances to build and manage finance-to-real-estate digital ...
Finance Real estate and Wealth-being


Andrea Giussani

Applied machine learning with Python

If you are looking for an engaging book, rich in learning features, which will guide you through the field of Machine Learning, this is it. This book is a modern, concise guide of the topic. It focuses on current ensemble and boosting methods, highlighting contemporray techniques such as XGBoost (2016), Shap (2017) and CatBoost (2018), which are considered novel and cutting edge models for dealing with supervised learning methods. The author goes beyond the simple bag-of-words schema in Natural Language Processing, and describes the modern embedding framework, starting from the Word2Vec, in ...
Cover giussani


Cristina Pozzi

Destination 2050

A Practical Guide to the Future The future is the wildest destination we can ever visit, a place and time so complex that it requires study and an exercise of the imaginationbefore leaving. But the future is also the result of our predictions. One way to start to positively influence it, then, is to try to imagine it as we would like it to be. This is the first step in making it happen. No one realizes a future that they dare not even imagine. What climate should we prepare for and what shall we bring with us? What will we eat in 2050? How will we dress? What kind of cities will people live in? ...
Destination 2050 cover


Francesca Romana Rinaldi

Fashion Industry 2030

Reshaping the Future Through Sustainability and Responsible Innovation Some key data about the future of the fashion industry highlight the need for immediate action. The increase of clothing consumption will generate an increase in the use of resources and generation of waste. On the other hand, the demand of LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health & Sustainability) consumers is increasing, also in luxury. The book will be investigating the key drivers that are reshaping the fashion industry towards the 4th Industrial Revolution, including traceability and transparency, circularity, collaborative consumption, ...
Fashion Industry 2030