Book profiles


Andrea Beltratti

Financial Markets and Investments

The book serves as an educational resource for financial markets and investment courses, targeted at students with foundational knowledge in economics and statistics. Its goal is to provide a hands-on approach to various subjects while upholding the academic integrity of rigorous, literature-based analysis. Positioned between introductory and intermediate levels, the book’s content aims to be practical. It begins with fundamental concepts of asset pricing and risk premiums and extends to employ these principles in areas such as portfolio optimization, stock valuation, private assets, and sustainability. ...
Financial Markets and investments


Claudio Scardovi, Mario Ciunfrini

Handbook of Mergers and Acquisitions

This handbook is a useful synthesis of the most respected academic approaches and well-known professional best practices. It focuses on the private markets – private equity, real estate, and infrastructure – where most M&A activity now takes place. The handbook analyzes the business and operational strategies pursued through M&A and with the active participation of private capital. It then examines financial and active management approaches that can drive value creation throughout the M&A process, in a seamless end-to-end manner. This requires, almost by definition, a multidisciplinary approach. ...
Hanbook of mergers and acquisitions


Luca Gatto, Marco San Filippo

Export Manager

A Practical Guide to Develop Foreign Markets

In the complexity of the current economic context, exports represent the only path that allows Italian SMEs to grow and thrive in the medium to long term. However, the international markets in which they operate are increasingly complex and competitive, and unlike local markets, they are complicated by the presence of barriers and peculiarities related to sales and after-sales management. In this scenario, the Export Manager is a crucial figure in enabling companies to initiate, develop, and manage the export of goods and services, and more generally, to activate the internationalization process. ...
Export manager


Marco Magnani

The Great Disconnect

Hopes and Fears After the Excess of Globalization

The golden age of globalization is over. For at least four decades, efficiency has been favored over resilience, with great benefits but also many excesses and distortions. The redistributive effects of wealth and the consequences of greatly reduced national sovereignty have been underestimated. Has globalization really come to an end, or is it just changing its skin? What is certain is that strong deglobalization trends are underway, driven by economic and social as well as political and geopolitical motivations. Manufacturing reshoring, trade protectionism and financial markets regulations are ...
The great Disconnect


Giordano Di Veglia, Melania Franzese

Business Models and Profitability in the Strategic Banking Process

Focus on Digitalization

The book introduces the key elements contributing to entrepreneurial vitality and sustainability in the medium and long term with a specific focus on digital transformation. Factoring in two momentous processes such as digitalization and climate change, the book starts with an update on profitability in the banking system and moves on to the assumptions of economic literature on business model analysis as well as the supervisors' own approach.By outlining a seven-step methodology, the authors aim to enrich traditional backward analysis with a forward-looking type of banking decision-making process, ...
Business Models


Ferdinando Napolitano

Influence, Relevance and Growth for a Changing World

How to Survive & Thrive With IRGtm Beyond ESG

Governments are struggling to respond the needs of the people. The media have lost their traditional equidistance. The public impression of competence, and the trust it engenders, has tilted in favor of corporations putting pressure on them to proactively engage. The Influence, Relevance & Growth (IRG) system based on 10 quantitative parameters offers corporations a new operating model to adapt to a societal context in which policymakers need to be continuously and deeply informed about complex, technologically intensive, and ethically charged issues. This book is designed to help CEOs and top ...
Influence relevance growth changing world


Stefano Caselli, Stefano Gatti

Capital Markets

Perspectives over the Last Decade

This book, published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Equita, is the result of the 10-year collaboration between Equita and Bocconi to carry out research and studies on capital markets. Well before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the overall evidence showed that capital markets in Italy were still underdeveloped. In fact, the past decade was characterized by serious weaknesses in the structure and functioning of these markets. The lack of a robust financial infrastructure of capital markets, the need to strengthen the investor base, and flaws in the intermediation structure of ...
Capital Markets


Francesca Pecoraro, Alex Turrini, Mark Volpe

Fundraising for the Arts

The work of fundraising has transformed into a sophisticated and competitive profession, attracting talented and dedicated leaders who wish to use their skills to contribute to a secure financial future for their organizations. The arts and cultural field has not been an exception to these pressures above all in times when new emergencies and pressures shrink the funding opportunities of arts organizations both in Europe and in the US. This book aims to be a reference point for upper-level undergraduate students, graduate students, and junior practitioners in the arts management field. It will ...
Fundraising for the arts


Maria Giuseppina Lucia, Stefano Valdemarin

International Strategy

Managing companies in the global economic system

In a global economic system marked by continuous changes, companies shouldadapt their strategies to successfully manage international activities. On onehand, strategic decisions play a key role in detecting and seizing internationalopportunities. On the other hand, global shifts have a strong impact on everytype of company and organization, regardless of their size and degree of internationalization.Focusing on the most relevant issues in the international development of companies, the book proposes theoretical models and managerial tools to successfully tackle global challenges. Each chapter ...
International Strategy


Marco Buti

The Man Inside

A European Journey Through Two Crisis

“An insider of the European Commission since the late 1980s, Marco Buti is a unique guide through the two crises of the 21st century.” - Giuliano Amato, former Prime Minister of Italy “Marco Buti and I have not always agreed on issues of economic policy. But I cannot think of somebody more qualified to tell us about the travails of Europe since the Great Financial Crisis. He was there all along.” - Olivier Blanchard, Senior Fellow at Peterson Institute for International Economics “This collection of VoXEU contributions shows how history is made. Marco Buti, a man inside the vortex of ...
The man inside