Book profiles


Gianluca Salviotti, Leonardo Maria De Rossi, Nico Abbatemarco

The Blockchain Journey

A Guide to Practical Business Applications “The SDA Bocconi DEVO Lab has done a fantastic and comprehensive book, a holistic and powerful framework of analysis.” Rafael Cayuela, The Dow Chemical Company. “What Blockchain is and how you can exploit it, are the main and most important questions you will find answered in this precious book.“ Fabio Malosio, IBM Italia. “DEVO Lab has produced a comprehensive analysis of the financial applications of Blockchain.” Steven Wang, Royal Bank of Scotland “DEVO Lab provides a sounding representation of Blockchain paradigm outlooking technology ...


Gianluca Sgueo

Games, Powers and Democracies

Picture a government that measures civic value on a numbered scale, with civic performances tallied on leader boards, like a football match. Imagine if civic value was viewed as a game played by everyday citizens, sometimes in competition, other times working in harmony towards a common goal. And imagine that winners were celebrated (and losers blamed) collectively. All over the world, governments, public bodies and international organisations are using technology in ways to transform the exercise of public power into a game. Gamified public power is much closer to reality than it may first appear ...


Luana Carcano, Gabriella Lojacono

Made in Italy Industries

Managerial Issues and Best Practices This book describes why the Made in Italy brand has till today a strong relevance for Italy competitiveness and what are the key managerial issues for Made in Italy companies. The book includes an emphasis on competencies that are vital for working successfully in these companies. The aim is to give a comprehensive vision of the peculiarity of management and strategy in companies that can be classified as Made in Italy. They are challenged by ownership, size and key strategic decisions issues that are influenced by the global image associated to it. The book ...


Gianmario Raggetti, Maria Gabriella Ceravolo, Lucrezia Fattobene


Theory, Applications, and Perspectives Neuroeconomics is a recent promising interdisciplinary scientific area which involves neuroscientists, economists, and psychologists interested to offer a new and shared theoretical vision that considers the role of the brain in individual decision-making in economics. This collection of papers provides an interesting overview of the recent evolution of the theory of Neuroeconomics and offers the latest results of applied researches in this area, with a focus on marketing, accounting, and finance.This book is the result of the interdisciplinary contributions ...


Sandro Salsa, Annamaria Squellati

Dynamical Systems and Optimal Control

A Friendly Introduction The volume provides and elementary introduction of the mathematical modelling in those areas on Dynamical Systems and Control Theory that arise frequently in Economics.The book is divided in two parts. In the first part the fundamental aspects of mathematical modelling are developed, dealing with both continuous time systems (differential equations) and discrete time systems (difference equations). Particular attention is devoted to equilibria, their classification in the linear case, and their stability. An effort has been made to convey intuition and emphasize concrete ...


Alberto Dell'Acqua

Corporate Debt Management

Corporate Debt Management is an essential, practical and easy-to-read book . It summarizes in simple and clear terms the main theoretical contributions on the subject of debt decision choices and effectively illustrates their main managerial implications. Moreover, it adds to the management knowledge by providing practical examples on how to implement an optimal capital structure, using real financial data, and how to construct and use a debt management plan. The book also provides a clear management guide of the banking and capital markets instruments to design the most coherent financial structure ...
Corporate Debt Management


Karin Zaghi

Visual Merchandising

In-store Communication to Enhance Brand Equity Value Why a book on Visual Merchandising? Because Visual Merchandising gives substance to something that has to change its very essence: the store. The rise of new communication artifacts in today’s multichannel context means that the store needs to transform its role and its methods for interacting with both customers and producers. The store has to offer value through proactive interaction with its customers. If value in the store visit lies in living an experience, regardless of making a purchase, Visual Merchandising lays the groundwork for ...


Carla Lunghi, Francesca Romana Rinaldi, Marco Turinetto

What's Fashion? It's Method!

The Value of Ideas in Fashion Companies The book examines the indispensable factors for the launch and management of a new creative process: the authors provide truly effective tools between research & edutainment. The results of recent studies have in fact acknowledged the existence in people, institutions, and businesses of every size and sector, of a noticeable tendency towards changes in processes (of products and services). This publication aims to group together around a single concept, change for growth, the interests and goals of all those in Italy and in the world who have recognized ...


Diego Rinallo

Event Marketing

What is the role of events in the marketing communication mix? What goals can be legitimately attributed to events? How to use events to deliver memorable experiences? How to measure event results and maximize returns on investments? How to deal effectively with event agencies? Readers will find hands-on answers to all these questions: the book has been written bearing in mind the knowledge needs of companies that want to use events as part of their marketing communication mix. It will be a stimulating reading for brand, product, communication, and event managers, for account managers and creative ...
cover Event Marketing


Marco Tortoriello

Innovation in Organizations

Informal networks, knowledge sharing, and the development of firm's innovative capabilities The ability to generate new knowledge is one of the main drivers through which organizations can achieve a position of competitive advantage. While being able to innovate means different things in different contexts, the processes and actions through which companies mobilize knowledge to innovate are remarkably comparable across different types of organizations. This book, starting from an in-depth study of a corporate R&D lab, proposes a general framework to discuss the development of innovative capabilities ...
Innovation in Organizations