Book profiles


Maria Giuseppina Lucia, Stefano Valdemarin

International Strategy

Managing companies in the global economic system

In a global economic system marked by continuous changes, companies shouldadapt their strategies to successfully manage international activities. On onehand, strategic decisions play a key role in detecting and seizing internationalopportunities. On the other hand, global shifts have a strong impact on everytype of company and organization, regardless of their size and degree of internationalization.Focusing on the most relevant issues in the international development of companies, the book proposes theoretical models and managerial tools to successfully tackle global challenges. Each chapter ...
International Strategy


Marco Buti

The Man Inside

A European Journey Through Two Crisis

“An insider of the European Commission since the late 1980s, Marco Buti is a unique guide through the two crises of the 21st century.” - Giuliano Amato, former Prime Minister of Italy “Marco Buti and I have not always agreed on issues of economic policy. But I cannot think of somebody more qualified to tell us about the travails of Europe since the Great Financial Crisis. He was there all along.” - Olivier Blanchard, Senior Fellow at Peterson Institute for International Economics “This collection of VoXEU contributions shows how history is made. Marco Buti, a man inside the vortex of ...
The man inside


Virginia Stagni

Dreamers who do

Intrapreneurship and innovation in the media world

Disruption, from Latin (dis- ‘apart’ + rumpere ‘to break’), means tearing something into pieces, destroying it completely. In the chaotic, uncertain, fast-paced contemporary world, journalism must embrace change and adapt. Based on this assumption, the author covers her experience towards the centenary media business with a fresh and entrepreneurial approach, the same approach she adopts in her everyday life as a young manager at the Financial Times. Framing her analysis with the Chaos and Network theories, she brings the reader into a journey through the future of journalism, which now ...
Dreamers who do


Raffaele Secchi, Valeria Belvedere, Alberto Grando, Giuseppe Stabilini

Production, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Industrial production has always been a propulsion element in any economy, be it from a perspective of value-creation, employment potential, or its impact on sustainability and technological innovation; the ability to manage operations and supply chain is therefore a key skill for a company’s competitiveness.If this has always been true, today as never before, in a world hit hard by a medical emergency first, and then by economic and social ones, the reflection on the most appropriate management practices in manufacturing has become a central element for individual companies, entire sectors ...
Production, operations and supply chain management


Damiano Canale, Roberto Ciuni, Aldo Frigerio, Giovanni Tuzet

Critical Thinking

An Introduction

Critical Thinking is a discipline that provides the means to distinguish good from bad arguments. In doing so, it draws on the contributions of other disciplines such as logic, psychology, argumentation, and probability theory. By exploiting and developing our ability to reason, it makes us understand why certain reasoning patterns are correct and others are not.The book is an introduction to Critical Thinking, to the role that reasoning plays in concrete contexts and to the forms it assumes in different fields. The first part of the book explains what an argument is and what types of argument ...
Critical Thinking


Alessia Amighini

Money and Might

Along the Belt and Road Initiative

The book deals with the interplay between two strategies promoted by China in the 21st century to increase its integration into the world economy: Belt and Road Initiative-BRI and the internationalisation of the renminbi. They came about at different times and with complementary aims, with a great synergy between them. On the one hand, greater international circulation of the renminbi is indispensable for the completion and smooth functioning of the BRI: the vast financial resources needed to implement BRI projects around the world cannot be denominated in renminbi (which has no real official ...
Money and Might Along the Belt and Road Initiative


Stefano Caselli, Gimede Gigante, Andrea Tortoroglio

Corporate and Investment Banking

A Hands-On approach

A new book on the relationship between banks and corporates is a challenge that must be accepted: we need to revert the narrative on banks and provide a proper perspective on what they can do for the economy overall.Corporate and Investment Banking is in fact the banking activity that most affects the growth of companies and their ability to be more robust and competitive. In the financial world, the key variable for development is technology, enabling the use of information to the benefit of customers. For the corporate market, the tailor-made design of products involves a more complex choice, ...
Corporate and investment banking


Marcello Messori

Recovery Pathways

The Difficult Italian Convergence in the Euro Area

The book analyzes the different phases that have characterized the evolution of the pol-icy framework and the economic governance of the European Union and the Euro Area since the end of the global financial crisis (2007-2009). This analysis, which is found-ed on a careful reconstruction of those "right" or "wrong" economic ideas that have "ruled" the European world until the pandemic shock (to paraphrase the final remarks of Keynes' General Theory), is crucial to appreciate the importance of the ground-break-ing initiatives undertaken by the European policy makers and institutions in 2020: the ...
Recovery Pathways


Gimede Gigante, Andrea Cerri

Finance Lab

By addressing the financial markets from a new perspective, this book sets out to take the reader on a journey, explaining the role of financial markets as places where exchanges take place to meet the needs of people, businesses and institutions. The volume is structured in four parts. The first part introduces the functions, structure, and components of the financial system. In the second part, the authors describe the functioning of the markets in terms of risk and return, providing a more in-depth description of the role of intermediaries. In the third part, capital markets are illustrated ...
Finance Lab


Lello Savonardo

Pop Music, Media, and Youth Cultures

From the Beat Revolution to the Bit Generation

In 2016, the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to the singer and songwriter Bob Dylan "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition." This suggests how important pop music is in the contemporary society, and highlights how blurred are traditional boundaries across all forms of art. Pop music is strictly connected to mass media, mass culture, the youth universe, and its languages. Pop/rock music is the bearer of new trends, while getting influenced by social and cultural events. Rock reflects the world of youth, its rituals and legends, and it represents ...
Pop Music